Custom Videos

What are custom videos?
For some time now, we have offered our patrons an option to order customized videos from certain models. However, wanted to create a separate page to officially mention the option for everyone. In a custom video, you basically become the director of the video and can request that the model follow your script. However, scripts should be reasonable and focus on showing off the model's beautiful hair. We don't entertain x-rated scripts. Also, we suggest that you keep the directions simple so that the models can easily follow them. The custom videos are obviously priced higher as the models are following exact directions during the shoot. In the page below we have given a listing of the models who have worked on custom videos for us till now and the typical prices you can expect for a 10 min long custom video. (Prices can however increase based on the script, duration or the model's will). Also, if you don't see a model in the list below but is one of our recent models, please drop us a note as some models not included here might also be willing to shoot a custom video.

How the process of custom videos work:
1. To order a custom video, drop us a note through the contact us form. Mention the model and the proposed script and duration of the video.
2. We share the script with the model to know if they are interested to shoot.
3. If the model is willing to shoot the video, we ask you to pay through our website and ask the model to shoot.
4. The model shoots the video and we send you the download link in 1-2 weeks



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